Read Dorothy Sayers: "The Lost Tools of Learning".

Friday, August 22, 2008

McGuffey's 1836 First Eclectic Reader: Lesson IV; The Wild Ox

As always read through this lesson as explained in lesson I. Study the phonograms: wh, ng, and the "silent e". Ask the children questions i.e "What is a plow?" Show them a picture of a plow and talk about the work that different animals do on a farm. Talk about the meaning of "draws" in this sentence. You may also like to do a little Bible study on the ox.

ox, has, two, horns,
he, four, legs, feet,
and, hard, man, hay

Lesson IV

The Wild Ox.

An ox has two horns. He has four legs, and four feet. A wild ox will toss boys on his horns. The ox draws the plow and the cart. He is large and strong, and he works hard for man. An ox has red, white, or black hair. he eats grass, hay, corn, and drinks water. He lies down on his side when he sleeps.

Lessons in this series:

First level Recommendations:

Second Level Recommendations:

Third Level Recommendations:

Fourth Level Recommendations:

Fifth Level Recommendations:

Sixth Level Recommendations: