Read Dorothy Sayers: "The Lost Tools of Learning".

Friday, January 2, 2009

1836 First Eclectic Reader: Lesson XXVII. - How to Add

Spelling: all numbers to ten; to twenty. To read for details, get some beans and work out some problems as John and his mother did. Write a paragraph explaining how to add two numbers using beans or marbles. Let someone try to follow the directions you wrote.

How to Add.

John. I wish I could do a sum, as James does. May I get a slate and try?
Mother. You can not use a slate yet, but I will teach you how to add with these beans. Now,mind what I say to you. Here is one, and here are two more. How many do one and two beans make? Put them in your left hand, and count one, two, three. You see that one and two make three. Now take three more beans, and add them to those in your left hand, and count all of them-one, two, three, four, five, six. Three and three make six. Now take four beans, and add two more to them. You see two more to them. You see there are six. Four and two are six. Now take five beans, and add one to them. You see there are six. Then five and one make six.


could, beans, four,
these, hand, teach,
your, slate, here,
does, mind, three.

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