Good Advice
before, parents, during,
always, brother, forgive,
shaken, unkind, forgiveness,
hatred, confess, remember,
nothing, sister, and disobeyed.
If you have done anything during the day that is wrong, ask forgiveness of God and your parents. Remember that you should learn some good things every day. If you have learned nothing all day, that day is lost. If anyone has done you, forgive him in your heart before you go to sleep. Do not go to sleep with hatred in your heart toward anyone. Never speak to anyone in an angry or harsh voice. If you have spoken unkind words to a brother or sister, go and ask forgiveness. If you have disobeyed your parents, go and confess it. Ask God to aid you always to do good and avoid evil.
before, parents, during,
always, brother, forgive,
shaken, unkind, forgiveness,
hatred, confess, remember,
nothing, sister, and disobeyed.