Read Dorothy Sayers: "The Lost Tools of Learning".

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1836 First Eclectic Reader: Lesson XI - Boys at play

For this lesson give another vocabulary quiz. Talk about good manners and how to be polite. Take the Bible and read over the Fruits of the Spirit and the Fruits of the Sinful nature. Also, don't forget to talk about God's mercy and grace.

Boys at Play.

Can you fly a kite? See how the boy flies his kite. He holds the string tight, and the wind blows it up in the sky. Now it is high in the air, and look like a bird. When the wind blows hard, you must hold fast, or your kite will get away. Boys love to run and play. They must not be rude. Good boys do not play in a rude way, but they take care not to hurt any one. You must not lie. Bad boys lie, and swear, and steal. When boys are at play they must be kind, and not feel cross. If you are cross, good boys will not like to play with you. When you fall down, you must not cry, but get up, and run again. If you cry, the boys will call you a baby. Some boys use bad words when they are at play. The Bible says that you must not use bad words. You must mind what the Bible says, for it is God's book. You must not play with boys that speak bad words or tell lies.


kite, holds, wind, high,
string, fast, blows, looks,
bird, when, boys, baby,
words, play, you, not,
speak, bad, book, but,
Bible, hurt, rude, take,
care, one, they, cry,
get, up, run, again,
kind, not, feel, cross,
must, mind, good, says,
boys, lie, swear, steal

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