Read Dorothy Sayers: "The Lost Tools of Learning".

Monday, September 8, 2008

1836 First Eclectic Reader: Lesson XIII - The Walk

There is no picture for this lesson, so have the children draw a picture of a place where they like to go for a walk. Talk about Creation and do a little science lesson on the sun, moon, and stars.

The Walk.

Come, Mary, get your bonnet, and we will take a walk. See, the sun is in the west. It is going to set. How large it looks. We may look at it now. It is not so bright now, as when it was up high in the sky. It will soon be out of sight. Now it is almost gone. How red the clouds are. We can see the moon, and all the pretty stars, when the sun sets. The moon is not so bright as the sun. See the pretty bright stars. Some of the stars are as large as the world. But they are so far away, that they look small. Papa, is the sun as large as the world? Yes, my son, and a great deal larger, but it is far away.


hat, high, away, Mary,
walk, sky, small, pretty,
take, now, make, larger,
come, gone, sight, bonnet,
get, red, papa, going

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